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Times are tuff, and I would like to continue throwing my money at this game, but I hope this new patch includes a major adjustment to inventory management. I play on PS5 and I haven’t been able to clear out my accessory inventory because I can’t sell them and the idea of destroying my poultry gains because of the next patch just feels bad given how long it takes to destroy individual items. Nothing says fun like 2hrs of fussing with my junk common and uncommons just so I can go and collect more commons and uncommons to junk after hunting bosses. I also don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask for some form of compensation for all the echoes I’m going to have to yeet, maybe an xp currency, something would be better than what’s being projected to the player base.

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about 1 year ago - /u/SOLIDAge - Direct link

Go check discord for a quick video I posted showing the dusting process which takes approximately 2 seconds by holding down a button.