It may have already been said but I'm kinda getting tired of it especially in wild rift due to the low champ pool. To start the topic off I will point out the biggest flaw in champ design.
Champs that have safe dashes vs champs that don't
I don't mean every champs that have dashes. I meant champs like riven who has almost non existent cd on her dashes, yasuo who can dash infinitely and zed. Atleast camille or jarvan has to commit to their dashes(except they kinda don't which I will discuss later). Playing ashe, asol or even darius is painful against champs with infinity dash. Sure you can stay in the backline and flash out when they engage on you but thats a summoner spell on cd + you got mispositioned in a teamfight. To top it off they might not even need to flash to get out after they've made you use yours. Isn't the point of dashes to reposition yourself to an advantage and if you messed it up you are badly mispositioned? Then why the hell does the dashes of riven have 2 second cds and a barrier.
How do riot solves this problem? By giving the champs without safe dashes a f*ckton of scaling and stats.
its not even a half bad solution but suddenly this champs become meta and then they get nerfed the next patched and become a mediocre or f tier picks. ( Example of that is Jhin and Mf who was a monster in S1 and is now mediocre or I might even say a troll pick) To top it off champs that don't have safe dashes get buffed to keep up with the infinity dash champs. Jarvan who has to dash in front of 5 enemies is usually gonna get bursted down right? Well for some reason he is tankier than an alistar with ult and stone plate on due to his overwhelming stats and how fast he can raze the jungle for items even when on tank build. Camille also can do that but as I said before became meta and got nerfed. So now you can't even consider them unsafe dashes when they can just soak all the 5 damage of the opposing team and deal just as much damage.
So how should riot solve this problem? Long Cooldowns
But guess what. Almost every item in League has a cd reduction on it. Need a crit item with cd, there's 2. An ap item with cd? An armor item with cd? An ap armor item with cd? A cd item with mana and a ton of ap + ultimate cd? Its a joke to be honest when they remove the cap on cd reduction and considered it a fix.
Sorry for the rant, foul language and bad english. I'm just letting of some steam.
Tl:dr They need to nerf Dashes and Cooldown reduction
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