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Hi there!
Recently started WR, 20games so far. I really enjoy being able to play a quick game whenever I find some time. I dont have any experience with LoL but know some other MOBAs. Can you recommend a main hero for me, thats is suitable for a new player but still has the potential to have a lot of impact even in higher elo (kinda like easy to learn, but hard to master) since I plan to reach high elo at some point (haha wish me luck!). In other mobas I mostly enjoy roamers, initiators and supports.

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over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by SnooMachines2181

Roamer, initiator and support. Seems like you like an engage support. Some recommendations I would give is braum, Leona, rakan, thresh, alistar, galio and maybe malphite. You can try them in practice mode and see which you like

:( no Rammus? The guy wreaks in the jungle.

over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by Rourke4

Not after you gutted him.

What gutting is that? He is STILL one of the strongest junglers at any elo, the last set of changes were intended to make him feel a bit better in the jungle, but he is still very strong. I have a friend who just climbed into masters almost exclusively with jungle Rammus.

over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by SnooMachines2181

Haha, well, OP said support so I don't put jungler. But if he wants jungle sure there's rammus, amumu is good initiator too

Fair point, both Amumu and Rammus are great, underrated initiators. But ya, not the best supports. I think the rest of your list has some great recommendations.

over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by SnooMachines2181

Anyway, is there any update on the balancing algorithm?

Sorry, not sure what you mean by balance algorithm.

over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by Rourke4

Master is not even high elo in the game, especially in NA where there are barely any players (proof of this is the cross-server matchmaking with Latin America) so any pisslow PC plat player can reach masters.

It's good to know that you justify the changes because your "friend" climbed to master though. How about you actually play the game and count jungle timings just to know even offmeta jungle picks are a much better choice than Rammus and those he is supposedly to counter like Yi are so overbuffed that they negate that. Also, is he even a tank? %health dmg dealers are outright braindead, tank items suck and the game is just a bunch of clownfiesta DPS checks with uneven scaling across champs (TF being online with just 2 items)

Then again I play in Asia where players are very much less forgiving when picking Rammus.

I'm not even sure what changes you are referring to. But to be clear I'm not justifying any changes based on a friends skill level. Going off any one person's opinion or skill is a terrible way to balance the game. I'm simply just sharing an anecdotal story because Rammus continues to be underestimated. If you struggle to play him, don't enjoy him, or don't find success with him than ya you don't need to pick him up. Play who you enjoy.

We do play the game daily, both for work and for fun, we account for jungle clear speeds and we know this has a larger impact at higher skilled play (did you see we gave him a decent clear speed buff?). All changes we have done have been build off of actual data based off of games played on the most recent patch(s) when looking at all elos, positions, regions, winrate, pickrate, banrates, and player perception. Its a lot for a team to manage and any changes will have some (even if its small) effect at all levels of play, and have an effect of every other champion in the game.