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OK maybe not ruined it but it has made it so that pretty much no ADC or any other AD champ builds Mortal Reminder anymore which makes champions that use alot of vamp so much more OP since they just wont die.

Players are just trash when it comes to itemization they copy a build a stick to it no matter what.

This forces me that usually play tanky champs or support to buy it sometime just so i can choose who i use it on which makes me gimped.

Before Serylda's there was a problem with ppl not buying grevious wounds but now it seems like 1 in 20 games i see someone like the ADC build it.


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about 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by n0thing12345

I know right, god forbid you actually build items that is not on your preset build.

At great risk of bodily harm. This was actually one of the reasons we wanted to add Grudge, because before it was all but a certainty that AD champions would get counter healing, now it requires the player to evaluate the situation.

Though I agree with you few things tilt me more than when playing against 3 heal heavy champions and we only have 1 Grievous Wounds on our team.

about 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by ICE_2

On the flipside I play Mundo and I find he’s outperformed by other tanks once the enemy starts stacking grievous wounds. I’ve dropped him now over other tanks.

Can you elaborate a bit? Outperformed in what way? He isn't intended to be a traditional tank like Malphite, Leona, or Rammus. But he should be a durable juggernaut more similar to Darius, Garen, or Sett.

Not as good at starting fights, but about being hard to kill with good damage if he can get to his target.