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Ranked matches are sh*tty in this game, if u played solo with no party , you are almost guaranteed you will end up in a team of newbies or players who dont know how to play in their roles which results in a huge rank downgrade. This has to be fixed

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almost 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Come join the official R6 Discord! We have voice channels for every rank, so it shouldn't be hard to find a Gold team to play with. https://discord.gg/rainbow6
about 3 years ago - /u/NextdoorMMR - Direct link

Originally posted by wraithkenny

It’s not true. If you MMR is high for your rank, matchmaker will increase the difficulty of your matches until you lose, by giving you the strongest available opponents and the weakest available teammates.

Edit: I don’t know what you people don’t get about this. Riot is explicit. Matchmaking is designed this way on purpose. The better you do, the higher your MMR goes, the more difficult the matches. It explicitly strives to give you a 50% chance at winning, every game. If you “git gud” then matchmaker will increase the difficulty until you lose, even if you haven’t reach your actual appropriate rank.

(Challenger players can climb because there are no players in the available pool that can beat them; smurfs can win in low ranks because matchmaker is limited to players within the rank range; for everyone else, it’s 50% coin flip by design. You climb only when you are better than the entire available pool of players, when we should climb if we are better than the average within the pool. It’s literally broken, point blank.)

Actually, if you have a high MMR for your Rank (e.g., you're in Gold but have a high MMR and are getting hard matches), the game will give you more Ranked Fortitude and therefore shields, and it will also give you more Rank Skips, so you can still move up even though your matches are in the 50/50 range.

The same thing goes for Diamond. If you are in Diamond IV but have the MMR of a Master, yes, you may only win 50% of your matches, but you will get +15 for a win and only lose -10 on loss.

So you would go, e.g., +15 +15 -10 +15 -10 -10 over 6 matches (3 W 3L, 50%), but be up +15 VP after. Basically, you would net +2.5 VP per game while going 50/50.