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over 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by Oxabolt

Evelynn nerf feels warranted tbh, she can still oneshot once fed. Does her job as an assasain.

Obviously she is going to be bad in high elo, but its not like assasins are strong against cooridinated teams except for a few exceptions(zed but even he gets countered by stasis).

Not every champ champ can be viable at every level of play. And even if that was possible, it would be impossible to achieve over the span of even a year through buffs and nerfs

Eve is a bit of a special case, many players think she is a low elo stomper. But low elo Eve players don't know how to take advantage of her stealth, she is actually crazy powerful (hence the nerfs) in higher elo. I would need to double check but I believe she has the largest variation in power between low and skillful play.

over 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by gabrielegance

Poor Braum. He's my first Support and now he's slowly getting pushed out of the meta bc rito reslly likes nerfing FoL

It is unfortunate that FoL is really the only Keystone for him. Ideally we would open him up to more Keystones, but that is a bit tricky. Luckily if nerfing FoL hurts him too bad we can give him some compensation in the following patch.

over 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by Oxabolt

I take back what i say then. Thanks for the insight on this, no idea why i didnt think about it from that prespective. Always just assumed she would be strong in low elo cuz others dont know how to handle the invis but never tought of the player

Ya it's an understandable take away. And the addition of pink wards don't actually nerf her as much as people think. They had really no effect on her, and for some players I suspect they actually got over confident and actually hurt themselves =p.

Basically she is a tricky champion to play well, because her camo is highly strategic, and you don't see many strategic plays in lower levels of play. But higher skilled players know how to abuse her to the point where she is one of the weakest champions in low elo and one of the strongest in high elo. This isn't ideal, and we would want her to be a bit more normalized, but the nature of her kit will always push some large skill differences.

over 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by TheGivingTree7

Normalized is a great goal, I hope all the champions get there.

Neither high elo or low elo should be catered to, balance.

To be clear we never expect all champions or even Eve to be flat across elo. Some are better at low elos some at higher. This comes from the champions kit and how different players take advantage of their strengths and weaknesses.

It isn't about catering to different elo groups so much as it is building champions who are different. If the champion is highly strategic or requires complex inputs/combos, or provides utility they are likely a higher elo champion. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't make champions with those traits.