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I love the mode, it's so much fun but I'd honestly just delete elder drakes from the mode and have 4 (or maybe even infinite) normal drakes. The elder drake buff is so unfun to go against and the mode is all about having fun, so... :)

Edit: Btw do y'all also have this bug where the cannon doesn't zoom out and only lets you jump to your inhib?

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almost 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by TwinShad0w

I think they assumed because it's mobile the player base would be casual about it hense they went with og urf. They underestimated the sweatyness of lol wr players.

But I agree after this month of urf I'd prefer ARURF to avoid the super sweats

We wanted URFs first time out to be the OG version that allowed everyone to pick their champions. Everyone is excited to try out specific ones and we wanted to allow for that here.

almost 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by IJcast

I was kinda disappointed that the amount of stars that asol can get in urf doesn't change

We are sad about this too. It was actually one of the first things we tried to do when we got started on URF.

The reason it didn't make it in was that it was actually much more work than you would expect. So much so that we wouldn't have time to optimize several other champions for performance, and thus would have required us to disable multiple other champions in the mode.

almost 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by Naffy3

I haven't been able to play my champ irelia is banned every game lol 😂

Ya it's not a perfect everyone gets to play their favorite champion, but we felt that 3 bans gave players enough control here.