What do you think of Wild Rift's balance regarding the midlane, especially the champion pool and the items they build ?
I personally think the lane is not really balanced. There are champions like Akali that completely get demolished in lane, especially against poke champions and control mages. She cannot really trade anyone due to her only being able to do S1+AA once, and twice if she uses her shroud. Meanwhile there is Fizz, who plays the same role as Akali (oneshot ap assassin), except he is safer to play (enormous range on his Ult, his 3 which is fine on itself but on that champion it feels like it is a bit too good) and doesn't fall off late game, unlike Akali (because against other midlaners she cannot get to her R2 without instantly getting bursted down).
And then there are champions like Ziggs, that, I feel like, is getting nerfed but not properly. The last nerf he recieved was pretty useless imo. The nerf on his ultimate is good, but nerfing the mana costs and his mana pool isn't how he should be dealt with. The champion is too safe, which is good on its own, but there are basically no way to play around that. His S1 range is too big basically allowing him to farm even when the ennemy laner freezes the lane, can poke too often and too hard. Nerfing his mana pool and consumption is not a good way to deal with a champion that builds a lot of mana early on as well.
Champions that were pretty strong against Ziggs were Galio, TF and Diana, as they could either soak a good amount of damage or gapclose him really efficiently allowing to have longer trades (where ziggs is at a disadvantage). However, with Rod of Ages's nerf, I feel like these champions are too risky to play as they need to have a good early start or else they will struggle finding their place in the game.
So yeah, this is my insight on the midlane. What's yours?
Ps- I'd like to have u/R0guefool 's PoV on this too, I like it :) (Could you also share with us, if possible, how Akali performs in the midlane ? I feel like she has been struggling.)
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