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i genuinely believe that the issue with jungle champion pool is that off meta picks are just so shit or feel shit to play. im a huge fan of diana jungle but her clear is such a turn off. same with fizz jungle that used to be somewhat viable, nerfs the champion and ever since the nerfs his jungle clear have been abysmal.
people dont realize that the jungle champion pool has been HIT so many times in the past few nerfs that so many of them feel very unsatisfying to play or are just flat out unviable.
off the top of my head, camille, fizz, rengar, mundo, etc. jungle is by far the best role to climb but it wouldnt hurt to buff a few junglers to have more variety in the jungle.
and also, nautalis and shen in the jungle is super rare i barely see them at all.
So it really depends on what you mean by viable. When I talk about viability I mean that they have a reasonable chance of performing well in that role (ie if you pick them you have a fair chance of winning the game).
I point this out because popularity is not at all the same as viability (unless we have different definitions for viability). Popular champions tend to be flashy, get kills themselves, or have a fair bit of mobility. But that doesn't mean that others are non-viable. This is why champions like Ezreal, Kai'sa, Katarina, and Master Yi, are all popular champions regardless of their power. Nautilus and Shen don't really have any of those aspects (most players don't enjoy playing tanks), so ya you are going to see fewer of them, but that doesn't mean they don't perform well, just that players prefer other champions.
Being unsatisfying is a different problem, that isn't always related to a champion's power (though that can obviously play a role). However if the way to solve this satisfaction problem is to buff a champion, who is already doing fine, than we need to nerf them in other areas.
Diana and Fizz are great examples here, both are performing fine (hell I just played several Diana jungle games today), and while their first clear is a bit slow their kill power makes up for that, and you can carry games with either champion. In Fizz's case, when we buffed him for the jungle we overdid it by a LOT so players got used to his crazy OP state, and when we nerfed him to a reasonable place many players viewed that as weak despite him now being in a healthy place.
The jungle role is the best way to climb, a decent jungle has a very large impact on the outcome of the game, more than any other role, and more than we would like. This is why we have targeted nerfs at the role but it is still by far the best if you are looking to climb.