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Seraphine is a scaling champ, removing a chunk of her scaling is just the wrong choice.

They are making her much weaker in the mid lane. She is an already hard champ to excel at in the midlane and they are gutting her and pushing her to support which tbh she kinda sucks at.

I don’t understand how there are champs running around completely over powered but they decide to nerf Seraphine…

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almost 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

You are right she has kind of sucked as a support, and been really strong as a mid laner. Despite this she is a FAR more popular support champion than she is as a mid laner. So we want her to be viable in both (before this change she was only viable as a midlander), especially when it is clear that many players are more interested in her as a support (her popularity as a support even when she was weak there).