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Personally, I wish Kassadin was in the game.

However, even though one of the coolest moments in the history of LoL eSports (and maybe of eSports as a whole) is centered on this champion, I feel like Riot probably consider his whole existence a mistake due to how hard he is to balance and how he is either bottom tier or permaban tier.

What champions do you think Riot will never add to this game?

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about 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

As someone working on champions these are always fun to read.

about 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by MaxKaneMcLane

Thank you so much for reading these! It's nice to know you guys are here.

Do you mind if I ask a question about Diana's implementation in Wild Rift? She's been my favourite champion ever since the main game.

I was wondering what lead to her altered ult. Would she have been too strong in Wild Rift if she could AA while ulting? However, you did give it other benefits, such as it applying Moonlight on enemies and having it deal more damage. If that's the case, then I guess Diana's ultimate as a gameplay solution is a bit reminiscent of rework Kayle's ult and how it now deals damage but locks her into an animation for the first half of the shield duration.

Or was it simply because this ult works better with her other Wild Rift specifics, such as Lunar Rush dealing AoE damage and only removing Moonlight from the targeted enemy? These changes did give her the ability to bounce between targets more and made her reminiscent of Irelia a little bit. If this is the case, then it wouldn't have been the first instance of Wild Rift champions adopting traits of other unreleased champions from the main game, seeing as how Wild Rift Teemo feels like a combination of Teemo and Twitch from the main game. When Diana was released on Wild Rift, Irelia hadn't been and we didn't know if she ever would be released. But she was indeed released. As a sidenote, does this mean that we might still see Twitch, even if Teemo adopted some of his gameplay identity already?

Endstep talked about this on his stream a bit the other day. Basically, Diana's rework was being developed on PC at the same time that the Wild Rift team was working on her. So while the core ideas are the same some of the details had changed. If we were to add any additional effects/damage then it would be too strong unless we shaved power from other places. This would have likely made things feel a bit worse as its power would need to be divided into multiple places.