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One of the biggest differences between LoL PC and Wild Rift is Riot's addition of honey fruit plants to the lanes in order to make it easier for players to respectively lane. Have they considered trialing the removal of the honey fruit or delaying the honey fruit to see how lane states play out? What are the communities thoughts of this mechanic in the game and would people be at least interested to see how lane states play out when honey fruit isn't so readily available?

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almost 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by A_Saade

tbh in pc there are potions, so i think this is why we have honey fruit in wildrift. idk if they'll remove them if they ever add potions in wildrift

Correct, we went with Honey fruit in lane for 2 major reasons.

1) The controls/UI that consumables would require. 2) We like the gameplay of Honey fruits in lane more. We think it has a bit more clarity and creates small, but interesting, moments.

It isn't something we have talked about removing, as we have been happy with the results. The only time it has come up as even a minor issue was in the Dragon lane, and marksmen taking fruit from their support for Sweet tooth's gold. But that was fixed with a change to Sweet tooth.