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over 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by Yazzypoo101

I play A LOT of Aram. Let me tell you, the damage reductions and buffs make some stuff feel awful. If you’re a champ at 85-95 percent dmg, and attack a unit with a 10-20 percent dmg reduction, even your crits often feel weak. I wish they’d implement a different balancing system, other than “you do more dmg or take less dmg, or both”

It is something we have talked about, and do want to expand our balance tools for maps and modes. Things like damage to/from turrets/minions are likely ones, though it comes down to prioritization.

over 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by Yazzypoo101

I wish I had an apt response for this, but I don’t. I just know it “feels” bad. Don’t get me wrong, it lets me abuse melee assassins that become awfully tanky whilst dishing out plenty of damage. I just don’t know if that’s the goal.

The goal is to try and keep these champions in a relatively balanced state, but even with these changes, Rengar is a bit weaker than we would like. I do agree that making him tankier and dealing increased damage isn't ideal, but the alternative would be for him to be VERY weak, with our current tools.

over 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by gangwithani

I was wondering as slows stack in wild rift, what is the formula for additional slows as there is 0 info about it elsewhere and additional slows give diminishing returns, and also is the lowest movespeed cap 134?

Here is how slows are calculated.

  • Raw Movement Speed = (Base Movement Speed + Flat Movement Bonus) x (1+ Aggregation of Haste Percentage) x (1 - Aggregation of Slow Percentage)
  • Aggregation of Haste Percentage

    • Hastes stack fully
  • Aggregation of Slow Percentage

    • Slows stack with 30% efficiency past the strongest
      • Ex: 10% Slow + 30% Slow + 20% Slow results in
      • 30% + 3% + 6% = 39%
  • If multiple slows are at same strength, all except the first one stack at 30% efficiency

    • Ex: 30% Slow + 30% Slow