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Hi, Can someone explain why people not like playing jungle? Every time I play without a preference I always jungle. And I don’t understand why people not playing this rule, you can effect and help your week side of your team. Even there is jungle champ that can snowball

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over 3 years ago - /u/draggles - Direct link

i find jungle to be the most rewarding role just because of how much influence i feel i have over the game.

related: did you ever just set up games like fifa or tekken and watch two (teams of) bots play to see who wins? that's kind of how i feel about my lanes when i'm jungling, but i can step in like a god and fix things. plus, objective fights are all on me, and if i'm playing like lee or khazix, i have to focus on getting rid of carries. i am NOT a jungle main in league PC but i feel great playing it in WR