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What about its current stat makes you feel this way? Is it the stat line, or the chosen stats themself? Or is it in relation to the item's effect? Or both? If the item is weak you can expect us to buff it, this could be its stats, price, or something with its effect. But we wouldn't want to reach a situation where it is overloaded with stats and the effect is secondary.
I will start by saying that Ionly have 700 games on Wild Rift, I am a Jinx one-trick and I am only diamond, and thus we are speaking about items I only ever used in ARAM with other characters. I am not a part of the player base that could be actively be using the jar, I just love the concept. I hope my opinion can be valuable to you anyway.
It is a good alternative to Zeke's. While Zeke's is good in team fights, this item was intended for a bit of roaming/being on your own. This put it in a place where you were unlikely to get both, and they would compete for the same slot.
For me, Zeke is definitely one of the reasons why I see the Seedjar as lackluster. I do understand that you gain 5 more armor and magic resist with the jar, as well as 5% move speed and a cute gardening ability that may or may not be clutch. But who will choose that over Zeke's ability haste, mana and powerful passive? I am aware that you can buy the jar and Zeke, but I just feel like any other item is just at least a tiny bit "better". I am relatively new to LoL and Wild Rift, so seeing that the way to make an item stand out is to give it +5% move speed is weird for me. Like, 5% is not much and multiple other items give that exact same, underwhelming bonus. Why not make it a tiny more to actually make it stand out? Obviously I am no balance expert. But aside from the gardening ability (which I love, if I had not said it enough), the jar feels underwhelming overall. The Singed of items is what I kept thinking of, while editing that video for hours. I find it funny, but also kinda sad. I wish power creep was real for such an item: make it too strong so it is meta and we can see its potential. Then tune it down. Why always make the cooler item/champs op? Give us OP jar!
We felt it was more exciting for tanky/roaming supports than enchanters. While initially, we thought the idea of a gardening item fit better with the babysitter mindset of enchanters, it ends up being less interesting. Enchanters put themselves into fewer risky situations so giving them more Honeyfruit felt wrong, similarly, the Blastcone is more interesting for tanks too whereas it doesn't do much for an enchanter.
I think that was the right call. I believe the jar should be a support item, maybe a jungler item, but making it worth buying for lane carries would feel wrong in my opinion.
The whole "harvesting seeds" aspect of the item necessitates leaving lane or roaming. Enchanters are also going to roam/leave lane less so they would have less access to plants around the map. So a tank item made sense here.
I agree.
We avoided health because Seedjar effectively gives you health via Honeyfruit, though we understand that many players feel a tank item needs health to feel good.
The fruits replenish your health, but that is no use when you are fighting and need extra HP. The defensive stats are strong though.
My video has only about 5 comments, and one of which is a guy complaining that the item gives no health. lol
The passive +5% MS is something that we felt was important to have to help signal the roaming aspect of the item and help with the collection of seeds.
Coming back to my first point: I feel like +5% MS is not very generous, and does not really signal anything. Same gooes for the armor/magic resist. The jar does not stand out in any way other than its never-see-before passive, and the fact that it gives tiny tiny more armor/MR than Zeke's does. I just find it... boring?
If the item is weak you can expect us to buff it, this could be its stats, price, or something with its effect. But we wouldn't want to reach a situation where it is overloaded with stats and the effect is secondary.
I forgot to mention it earlier, but maybe a good buff would be a price reduction. It would counter a lot of my arguments, and incentivise more players to try the jar, I guess?
In the end, I think the Singed comparison is my TL;DR. I trust you to make the right changes to the item. I cannot wait to see it used by high-level players, or even in tournaments.
One last thing: is there a way to give such feedback and talk with devs like I am doing now, but without first having to spend 6 hours editing a video and having you stumble upon my Reddit post by luck? A forum or something? Because I want this to happen again! And because I think people must have an entirely different opinion than mine on the Seedjar, so I wish I could read about them.
Thanks for replying with so much care and interesting insights!
Sorry for the formatting, I'm writing this on mobile.
" I hope my opinion can be valuable to you anyway."
It is helpful for sure. While Jinx isn't expected to be buying this item she would still be interacting with it in her games. And we want it to be understandable to its core users, but also not unapproachable to the rest of the player base.
" For me, Zeke is definitely one of the reasons why I see the Seedjar as lackluster. I do understand that you gain 5 more armor and magic resist with the jar, as well as 5% move speed and a cute gardening ability that may or may not be clutch. But who will choose that over Zeke's ability haste, mana and powerful passive? I am aware that you can buy the jar and Zeke, but I just feel like any other item is just at least a tiny bit "better".
I am relatively new to LoL and Wild Rift, so seeing that the way to make an item stand out is to give it +5% move speed is weird for me. Like, 5% is not much and multiple other items give that exact same, underwhelming bonus. Why not make it a tiny more to actually make it stand out? "
It's possible that the item will need some love, but if we are happy with the effect and the stat line, but feel that it needs to give more then this is an easy change for us to make. As for the movement speed itself, 5% is our standard value in these cases kinds of cases. We don't want to go over that unless the movement speed is the item's identity (See Deadman's Plate) but it is a good way to help signal the item's intent while helping with its goals (in this case collecting seeds). It isn't so much that move speed is the item's identity,
" Obviously I am no balance expert. But aside from the gardening ability (which I love, if I had not said it enough), the jar feels underwhelming overall. The Singed of items is what I kept thinking of, while editing that video for hours. I find it funny, but also kinda sad. I wish power creep was real for such an item: make it too strong so it is meta and we can see its potential. Then tune it down. Why always make the cooler item/champs op? Give us OP jar!"
We are keeping an eye on it's balance for sure. Balance is always a tricky thing with all the variables that go into any situation, item, or champion. But I can promise you that we do alot to hit within a relatively balanced state. We do not try to make something OP, champion or item. When even account for this with learning curves, this is a high learning curve item and expect the perception to be that it is weak at release. I think a perfect example here from earlier in the game is Kat, at her launch data told us that she was weak, but we knew she was a champion with a high learning curve so we left her alone. Over a few patches she started to look good, and actually was strong without us doing anything, until we had to nerf her.
The important thing here is that if it is weak because of stats/price that is easy for us to adjust. But is the effect desirable, and if so is it weak in some way?
"The fruits replenish your health, but that is no use when you are fighting and need extra HP. The defensive stats are strong though.
My video has only about 5 comments, and one of which is a guy complaining that the item gives no health. lol"
While it isn't Max health most fights don't start at full health, or involve some amount of poke before hand. I'm interested to see how Honeyfruit is used in team fights, we've all had fights were we snag a fruit mid fight, or duck out for a quick heal before rejoining. The defensive stats are multipliers here on that healing. This isn't to say that we couldn't/wouldn't make adjustments to it's stats, but I do think players tend to, understandably, overvalue health over other defensive stats.
"The jar does not stand out in any way other than its never-see-before passive, and the fact that it gives tiny tiny more armor/MR than Zeke's does. I just find it... boring?"
It's not the most exciting stat line for sure, this goes back to what I am saying with health. But the exciting part of an item shouldn't be it's stats, if that is the case the items effect likely needs some work. This is doubly true for playstyle/fantasy items like Seedjar. What do you feel is lacking here?
"I cannot wait to see it used by high-level players, or even in tournaments."
"One last thing: is there a way to give such feedback and talk with devs like I am doing now, but without first having to spend 6 hours editing a video and having you stumble upon my Reddit post by luck? A forum or something? Because I want this to happen again! And because I think people must have an entirely different opinion than mine on the Seedjar, so I wish I could read about them."
Here tends to be a good place. Even if we aren't posting we pay attention to what playing are saying. I know for me personally I try to jump in when I see an interesting discussion that falls within the kind of work I do. But don't worry you shouldn't need to make a video for us to see feedback =p. Though they are enjoyable and I wouldn't say no to seeing more from players.
Endstep, from the balance team, also does a patch review on his Twitch channel each patch where he chats about the reasons for different changes and answers questions.
Our communication peeps, like Draggles, are also great and help keep us aware of things going on.
"Thanks for replying with so much care and interesting insights!"
I'm always happy to, I'm stoked you are enjoying the game! Thanks for caring so much about it yourself, and giving us the space to talk about our work and improve it.