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I used to play LoL way back when for a couple of years; must've been around the time it first came out, late 2000's, early 2010's. I remember when Vi was first released and the excitement around her awesome song and splashscreen on the game launcher, and I remember Jinx's cinematic and trying her out a bit but shortly after I fell off the boat.

Like many, recently I was blown away by the first three episodes of Arcane and have enjoyed the rest of the series immensely, its honestly some of the best television I've seen in a long time. Riding the high of Arcane I decided to reinstall LoL, and try and relive some of those old memories from years ago.

However, during my FIRST match back, within minutes I was being called useless and trash in the chat. I mean, I was rusty and I was honestly never that great at the game, but I could hold my own. This wasn't the experience I was hoping for upon my nostalgic return, on top of that the match took SO LONG to conclude it made this bad experience way too drawn out for me. It seems LoL is as toxic as ever and I was remembering why I stopped playing in the first place. Now being a man in his mid-30s I don't have time like this to set aside for just one match, especially to be called names throughout. So I promptly uninstalled.

My interest still being peaked, and during some googling around Arcane and the lore of LoL I discovered there is a mobile version of the game, I was intrigued. I wondered how different it would be, what changes it would make to be palatable to a mobile audience, I thought atleast the in game chatter would be less prominent with keyboards not being directly on hand 😅

I gave it a download not expecting much. But I was pleasantly surprised to find basically the whole LoL experience had been captured in mobile form. Not only that but it has some of the best controls I've ever experienced in a mobile game, and the matches have been tightened up, rebalanced to become quicker and other elements like the shop have been made more accessible which was perfect for me as a "useless" returning player.

Best of all the ingame chat is pretty quiet 😅 however when I've spoken up I've so far only had respectful and nice comments back in return. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

So this is basically a LoL bashing, Wild Rift appreciation post. I've been having a blast with the game, finding time for one or two games almost every day. All my old favourite champs are (mostly) here, and it's been great to dust them off and play in a new way. I may just be in an Arcane honeymoon period so who knows if I'll be playing long term, but I don't feel like stopping anytime soon, it's been great to get back into and it's the most fun I've had on a mobile game ever.

See you out there.

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over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Happy to hear you enjoyed Arcane and are enjoying Wild Rift. There is plenty of both on this sub.

over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by Gradontron

Arcane is some of the best television I've seen in recent memory. I've watched it 2 and half times through already 😅❤

Ya I need more, the team knocked it out of the park.