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Long Read

Will be using gold to display the changes. (You can also skip the technical stuffs and go directly to each casual analysis. Didn’t include damage increase/decrease % since they can vary alot depending on the builds)

(Will be decreasing gold value if it seems convoluted)

Gold Reference

Melee Minion - 65g

Caster Minion - 40g

Cannon - 85g

210g - 1 early minion wave

105g - 1/2 early minion wave

350g - 1 kill

Champion Changes

Jarvan IV

Demacian Standard (E) - Buff

Passive; Gains 166 gold worth of AS%

Active; Gains 166+(numbers of allies) gold worth of AS% while active

  • Jungle Jarvan IV buffs
  • Faster jungle clear with E active
  • Might not be that noticeable for allies or for support Jarvan IV
  • Minor Buff

(For those who’re wondering, J4 E range is similar to the shop range from spawn/recall)


Inner Flame (Q) - Nerf

Base Q (unchanged)

Mantra Q; 1 point - unchanged

2 points - Loses 400g worth of AP

3 points - Loses 800g worth of AP

4 points - Loses 1200g worth of AP

(Calculated using 50% AP scaling on her Q)

  • Huge nerf to her Mantra Q poke
  • Nerf to Support Karma more than AP Karma since scaling is unchanged
  • Slower Wave Clear (Mid-Late) for both Support and AP Karma
  • Probably still strong

Master Yi

Alpha Strike (Q) - Nerf

Against monsters and minions (without items and stat buffs)

Q; (Lvl 1) 1 point - 173 + 43*3 = 302 from 184 + 120*3 = 554

(Lvl 4) 2 points - 272 + 68*3 = 476 from 288 + 174*3 = 810

(Lvl 6) 3 points - 362 + 90*3 = 632 from 384 + 228*3 = 1068

(Lvl 7) 4 points - 449 + 112*3 = 785 from 476 + 280*3 = 1316

(Lvl 15) 4 points - 487 + 122*3 = 853 from 512 + 290*3 = 1382

**Yi applies subsequent strikes before “1st strike” for some reason

(Didn’t wanna include items and stats coz build paths/runes aren’t usually uniform. Wrote “1st strike + 3 subsequent strikes” instead of “Total damage” coz camps are different sizes.)

  • Massive Nerf to his jungle clear
  • Massive Nerf to Objective taking
  • Damage to Champs is unchanged but since he has a slower jungle clear, you can starve his camps and stunt his spike easier. However, if he gets ahead, he's still going to shred.
  • Might have to see how much slower his clear will be and how much it will affect yi
  • Mid Yi also nerfed

Nunu & Willump

Base Stats - Buff

Gains 10g worth of AR per level

Consume (Q) - Buff

Gains 15 AP/300g gold effectiveness(*) per 100 AP

(Dk a better word to use)

Snowball Barrage (E) - Buff

Gains 2g/4g/6g/8g worth of AP and 1AP/2g gold effectiveness per 100 AP per snowball

Gains 30g/60g/90g/120g worth of AP and 15AP/30g gold effectiveness per 100 AP per E(15 snowballs)

Absolute Zero (Ult) - Buff

Minimum; Gains 10g/0g/10g worth of AP

Maximum; Gains 180g/190g/200g worth of AP and 25AP/30g gold effectiveness per 100 AP

Maximum charge multiplier; Probably how fast his damage increases?

  • Mid AP Nunu Meta?!?
  • No change to Tank Jungle Nunu or his clear (Forgot Base E damage's buffed so clear speed's faster)
  • AP Jungle Nunu might seem fun
  • Probably intended for Lower MMR since new players probably don’t interrupt his Ult or doesn’t know how to


Reckless Swing (E) - Nerf

Loses 416.66g worth of AD at all ranks

  • Hits early game more than late game
  • Probably won’t affect wave clear that much
  • Hits Baron Olaf more than Jungle Olaf
  • Probably an insignificant Nerf


Base Stats - Buff

Gains 33.3g worth of Health per level

Cull The Meek (Q) - Adjustment

Basic Q; Loses 1041.7g/1562.5g/2083.3g/2604.17g worth of AD for healing but gain 8% Bonus AD scaling per enemy hit

Enhanced Q; Loses 1041.7g/1562.5g/2083.3g/2604.17g worth of AD for healing but gain 24% Bonus AD scaling per enemy hit

  • Huge nerf to early game
  • Bonus AD Ratio = Larger Late game heal
  • Might have to see how much reduced base Q healing is going to affect Renekton
  • Gold Lost might seem huge but thats just becoz his scaling is low


Night Hunter (Passive) - Nerf

Loses 500g worth of movement speed (1 basic boots)

(Its difficult to calculate how much gold movement speed is worth coz its effectiveness depends on how much movement speed you have)

Final Hour (Ult)

Loses 416.7g worth of AD

  • Probably still strong since AS and W passive is unchanged
  • Only Ult Movement speed is affected
  • Lower Ult AD means she will deal lesser physical dmg through Q and AA
  • Might be further nerfed in the future (Just a speculation)


Event Horizon (E) - Buff

Gains 375g/400g/428.6g/461.5g worth of AH

(AH/CDR value is also difficult to calculate since they aren’t linear. The gold value decreases the more AH you have)

  • Honestly, not sure how much it’s going to affect him so Veigar mains plz chime in.
  • Might make Fimbulwinter support Veigar viable


Base Stats - Buff

Gains 250g worth of AD

  • Buff for TriForce Vi
  • Improve clear speed (Probably a compensation buff since smite got nerfed for AA junglers)

ARAM Changes

Warmog’s Armor - Nerf

  • Finally!!

Gameplay Changes


Blade of the Ruined King - Nerf

  • Now needs an extra plating (or) half a wave
  • Ok nerf but don’t think its going to affect much unless you miss your cs
  • Probably gonna make you recall later for a dragon fight
  • Affects Kai’sa more than other champs
  • Junglers plz chime in on how much 100g affects jungle
  • Doesn’t affect if Dragons spawn at 5


Baron Nashor - Nerf

  • Gains 1000hp but huge damage nerf to Acid Shot in all stages of the game
  • Poison Shot dmg decreased by 43% and further decreases as Baron scales

System Changes

Homeguard - Buff

  • Champs now gain the high movement speed earlier when moving from spawn

Minion movement speed - Nerf

  • Minion now moves slower in the later stages of the game

Respawn Timer

Base respawn timer - Nerf

  • Higher-ish base respawn timer (1-2s won’t be that noticeable)

Respawn modifier

  • Winning/Losing Team now lose/gain lesser respawn time.

(I’m not sure if the calculation below will be correct since idk how respawn timer works exactly)

Winning Team

9mins - 11mins; 32s - 8s (24s) -> 33s - 5s (28s)

11mins - 13mins; 38s - 9.5s (28.5s) -> 40s - 6s (34s)

13mins+; 45s - 11s (34s) -> 47s - 7s (40s)

Losing Team

9mins - 11mins; 32 + 8 (40s) -> 33s + 5s (38s)

11mins - 13mins; 38s + 9.5s (47.5) -> 40s + 6s (46s)

13mins+; 45s + 11s (56s) -> 47s + 7s (54s)

(This is just an extreme case where one team is leaps ahead the other)


  1. Why do you use gold to show the changes?

Gold is wayy easier to visualize how much a champ is buffed/nerfed or if they are just adjustments. Raw Stats (Quantity and Effects), on the other hand, are difficult to understand since players don’t usually use stats to describe the game state.

  1. Does the new respawn timer make the game more snowbally?

Honestly, M not sure. I think it makes the game more fast-paced since the respawn time modifier is reduced.

  1. How do you calculate the gold value of the changes?

With a calculator :D . Also, the value of base items and stat ratio on the abilities.

External link →
almost 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

I'm going to link some more details about the Homeguard+respawn changes here because I have seen some confusion due to how we worded the change and I want to try and clear that up.


I think you have a nice breakdown here, I made that Warmog's change!

almost 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by False_Ocean

Thanks for the Warmog's nerf!! Also edited the post to include the link to the thread.

Unrelated question but Will the old Solari Chargeblade ever come back? On-hit item which applies on crit and gives extra crit chance seems so much interesting to me than the current version (which is just a glorified sheen item which has 3 stack and can crit). The extra crit chance helps a lot when I want to go lethality-crit but still want that sweet 100% crit chance.

The current Chargeblade seems to benefit crit builders more than caster adcs.

I wouldn't expect it to come back. We changed it because of the problems that came out of being able to rush 50% crit. I haven't looked at its performance since the changes, but I haven't heard of anything being out of line or casters needing some love.