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I feel that riot should definitely add these two boots. Right now botrk + wit's end rush has become the meta for all on hit champion and against AP champion they get a significantly higher advantage because combined with Merc treads they have a total of 55 extra magic resistance really early into the game. It doesn't help that these items combined only cost 4.4k gold really cheap considering how much sustain and damage they get from them. Having sorc shoes will definitely helps AP champion in this situation.

Same can be said for berserker greaves. There are champion that really need that early atk speed and mobility example is Kayle , tryndamere , teemo

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about 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by MonoAsMe

Do we need them? Maybe, but this has been talked about before as in the stats of those boots are already added to the base stats of the champs.

Why did they do it this way? So that you actually have a choice to buy different boots.

Correct, the AS was put directly into champions, and the mpen allowed for the creation of Infinity Orb. This opens the door for champions who would previously build AS/Mpen boots more choice in what they can build. Now if they need vamp or tenacity they aren't losing out on dps.