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I'm a little confused about how armor/mr work. If I'm against an enemy team and let's say they are all building AD is there still a need to build any MR items? Like do champions still deal magic damage or only if they are going AP builds? Most of my builds I have include 2 MR items on my tanks and I just don't know if I should still have those items when I'm up against only AD builds.

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over 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

If you are against a full physical damage team than you shouldnt need any MR. When you die check your death recap and it'll help you see what kind of damage you are taking.

While some champions do a mix of damage types, each champion like this tends to favor magic or physical rather heavily.

Armor and MR are both multipliers off your HP, armor increases your effective health vs physical damage and MR vs magic damage. And if someone is building alot of armor to deal with your physical damage than it's likely time to get a last whisper item.

over 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by PapaKooT

Armor and RM bonuses are degressive. The more you have, the less effective each subsequent buy becomes.

Without entering into so much math detail, 100 armor reduces damage by 1/2, 200 by 2/3, 300 by 3/4 and so on (same formula for RM)

So +100 armor isn't always the same thing :

  • From 0 to 100 armor, you go from 0 to 1/2(50%) damage reduction, hence increasing your damage reduction by 50% !

  • From 300 to 400 armor, you go from 3/4(75%) to 4/5(80%), hence increasing your damage reduction by 5% !

  • So "+100" armor is TEN TIMES less effective when you already have 300 compared to when you had none.

On a side note, this explain why a single armor item, even not completed, on a carry, can make a huge difference.

The difference in tankiness between 4 and 5 armor items is negligeable.

So yes, you can squeeze in a RM item just because you want the passive, but not as 1st or 2nd item.

The deal is simple, do I want another Armor item where I''ll pay for Armor that will be negliegable or and RM item where I'll pay for RM that I wont use.

If you're not gonna "use" the main stat you pay for anyways, might as well use the money on a passive you want.

Really good explanation of defensive stats right here.

over 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by Ruined_Poro

Yes, but you can delay it for AR boots or some health items as zeke doesn't provide HP. Early game HP is more effective than resistance.

This article explained how you should balance your defences. Having a lot of resistances might not be worth it if you don't have enough HP to back it up.

Items like Zeke, Mercury Tread, GA can be take just for the passive (GA is debatable :3)

Great answer, it can still be worth getting an MR item for their passive, especially if the other team has just a small amount of magic damage.

MR items tend to have powerful passive effects, and if the situation is right or you have a strong synergy (Mundo+Spirit Visage, Zeke's+wanting to enhance your ADC) then it can still be worth it.

Of the two (armor /MR) armor tends to be more valuable, as it'll help against towers, monsters/minions, and AD focused champions are more common, but getting just a single MR item is often good.

over 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by PapaKooT

I love this game too much, I'm the biggest French Wild Rift streamer on Twitch and I'm working on Youtube videos to explain those concepts to french newcomers.

Send me a link to your channel. I don't speak any French, but one of our producers on the in game team is from France I'm sure he would be excited to see some of these when they come up.