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Hi guys,

So I own an iphone 13 pro max, and this has been happening to me every game without skipping a beat. When I'm spamming my abilities or the melee/attack button, the scoreboard populates randomly, I end up losing the target and auto attack even stops. More often than not, I end up either dying, or the enemy gets away with less than 5% health. I've gotten used to it to the point where I'll manually be able to close the scoreboard window and try to get back into the fight. But it's been so detrimental to my rift experience. It literally happens 4-5x a game. And no, my fingers are no where near the scoreboard button. Anyone else dealing with this now? Have you found a remedy? Reported it to riot? I need some help!!!

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about 2 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Can you capture a video of this happening during a game (you can dm me on reddit or post a link here)? This is obviously not correct behavior, but I don't think we've ever encountered something like this in testing. It might be hardware issue like other folks are suggesting, but a video will help us diagnose what's going on.