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Sometimes when I die I will buy an item, then realize “oh wait, I was going to build X item next”, so I go to undo and it says “currently unable to undo”. I’m dead, So I haven’t left the platform. Just seeing if anyone else has had this issue.

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about 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by KoDRPG

It happens when you use the quick buy right after dying without opening the shop, we should make this known to the developers, happened to lots of times as well

You are unable to refund an item after you have interacted with other units. So if you dealt damage (ignite, Brand passive, Morgana pool, Tristana Bomb, etc) or helped an ally (redemption) those items might have helped you in some way and you are not able to refund your items.

This isn't so much a bug, but us making sure you can't buy a bunch of AP to enhance your DoTs after you die, only to refund it and get something else.