Since the release of the game I’ve hit diamond on my two accounts every season. Solo queue. Yes I’ve had trolls, afkers, terrible one sided games and stomp games. Yes I’ve had three people go afk. It sucks I get it! But I still hit diamond every season could go higher but don’t really bother has I don’t have as much time to play.
So if you’re stuck, it’s because you belong at that rank. Sorry to say it, but that’s the truth. Everyone gets all these sh*tty games. The difference is some of us are good enough overall to progress and never ever be the reason for a loss. When we are the reason for a loss we take it to heart and learn from it.
So simple tips: Master 1-2 roles. Few champs, don’t chase kills, focus on objectives and never go for them if you cant win the fight! So many throw at dragon because they think it’s lost if they don’t get that one drake.
Back off if you can’t get it and push else where.
Don’t tilt no matter what. So many lost games have turned around at the end because of better comps, stronger late game champs or throws.
Lastly, turn off chat. Don’t waste time with it.
I main jungle and top on main acc. And adc and jungle on second account.
So please stop with all the posts about trolls…
Good day.
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