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So I want to ask some of you if you guys think winners/losers queue is a real thing from the players perspective, many riot devs have gone and denied that it doesn't exist but this season most players have realised that it actually exists. If any of you are subscribed to Darkbreaker on YouTube go checkout his latest video in which it shows his match history, in 80-90 % of his games he gets MVP or SVP and mostly gets a good KDA but still manages to lose multiple times in a row. Even from mine and a couple of friends experience if we go on a winning streak then its usually a huge losing streak afterwards and there's no inbetween. On the losing streaks you are basically handicapped right from the beginning of the game, all lanes lose and you are so behind that you can't do anything no matter what and one or all the lanes sometimes gets killed 5-6 times right before the first drake. I asked some players in master+ elo and they have also told me this season it's almost impossible to climb without a pre-made team. I wanna hear your thoughts.

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over 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by edwardo-1992

I don't think it's real, I had an 18 game win streak, then back to the couple of wins, couple of losses. I think statistically you will eventually get to around 50% win rate, sometimes we go on tilt, sometimes we have hot streaks where we are just mentally in the right headspace.

I'm worried what we are seeing is a bit of self sabotage, we expect after a couple of wins to get a "lose que" so we start to anticipate it, some of us probably start to alter play styles, some of get sweaty or try harder and because of this we push ourselves to lose.

It's just my theory but I think if you ignore the idea of win/lose que and focus on just having fun when you play this "cycle" everyone is in might just start to disappear.

Just my opinion and maybe it's just because I have been luckier than most, I also totally understand why some people think it's real, I just don't see it that way.

I'm actually interested in that idea too. Losers/winners isn't a thing, but I do wonder how much it changes the outcome when a player expecting to win/lose. It's obviously not 0%, any intro psych class or coach will tell you that, but how much effect it has is interesting to think about.

over 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by Geonaryentarg

If its not a thing then how are this players floating above 50% win rate ? https://imgur.com/gallery/pQCEJx4

Sorry I can't, I'm not really sure how to evaluate 2 cherry picked screen shots. I can tell you that every player climbing the ladder or person above or below a 50% winrate kinda proves it doesn't exist.

One thing that I constantly see when it comes to this idea of winners/losers que is how egocentric it seems to be. Many people seem to forget that 9 other people have an impact on the game you are playing, and for us to say "hey X player is doing to good, let's ruin the game for 9 others" seems like a a bad business model.

I'm not even sure how we would do that. The idea basically says that only 1 players ranking matters then says that they are doing to good, and above a 50% winrate, so that they would get matched with bad players, and below a 50% winrate. And somehow keep them all at 50%.

In science you want to do experiments to disprove your hypothesis, this is how you strengthen it. If it can't be disproven then you might be onto something. The issue here is that all of these arguments focus on trying to confirm what the person already believes, and ignores anything else, like people above/below 50%, or how players reached challenger. It's the same kind of thinking used to "prove" the earth is flat by ignoring anything that might suggest otherwise.

If someone is deadset on believing it exists than nothing I, or anyone else, says can change their mind. But that's an odd hill to die on, and a poor mindset for someone looking to climb or just enjoy playing the game.

over 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by Geonaryentarg

Thank you for response. My concerns about match making are not as "strong" as most in this post.

My hypothesis is that you have a system that is designed to keep players at some minimum mmr range once they finish placements. You can climb if you put in the work but system is going to protect you from completely falling down because it runs a risk of bad user experience.

In this screenshot you have a player in plat who played 200games in this season and by no means is fit to be there. Your stats page clearly shows that they have not performed. I cherry picked this 2 examples because it proves my hypothesis because it does not allow for other fsctors such as trolling or bad behaviour. This 2 players are extreme case.

They are maintaining their win rate and not falling down to their respective ranks because system is in place that gives them a much higher mmr player to win the game for them in order to keep them at 50.

Is it normal that players who consistently play below average (really bad) are not falling down in rank but are maintaining 50%+ win rate and even climbing? That cant be working as intended.

We do have that, it's called Iron (Iron is the lowest right?), and Challenger at the top. Noone can fall below Iron regardless of how many games they lose, or go above Challenger.

But really though a minimum MMR range has the same kinds of issues I was talking about before. It also means that a player can't drop in skill, and we have seen plenty of players on this same subreddit talk about how they have dropped in rank.

It would also put a lot of extra stress/pressure on those first placement games (that already have a bit of pressure), and that seems a bit off for us to do when we removed promos between tiers because of the added stress/pressure they created.

I don't know the details of the system (not the area of the game I work on), but I do know that the goal of the matchmaking system is to create fair matches where in a single game each team has a 50% chance of winning. However this system only lasts until all 10 players have hit accept, and a lot can change from that point on.

Bans, champion select, player tilt, distractions, afks, coordination, strategy, luck, mistakes, first blood, who takes an objective, skills we might not account for, the game's meta, balance, familiarity with your team's champions, familiarity with your opponent's champions, typing in chat, etc. All of these impact the game after the match has been found so even if we had a perfect system that guaranteed that at the time a match is created, it was basically a coin toss who would win, you would still see these things come into play.