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People flaming you in PvP for practising champs you want to use for the first time is just absurd. Unless you did it in rank that you used a champion for the first time and doing bad things so it is reasonable that your teammates will flame you. But this is PvP, everyone has a freedom to choose who they want to use and players play at PvP or VS A.I so that they can't disturb people who grind at ranked so why are you flaming?

I am playing Lee Sin since I want to climb playing jungle in ranked.

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over 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Ya flaming other players in any mode just hurts yourself. If you're getting flamed for learning Lee Sin in normals, just mute and report. It always sucks when people take out their frustration on others.

over 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by qtng

Since you are talking about report. Do you guys ever review report? I feel it's kinda useless, met a bunch of flammers and trollers along the way but none of my reports got result. Only afks are automatically banned.

Sorry I don't have a better answer for you here, Its not something that I personally review, I'm just not on the teams that handle these kinds of things.