For God's sake, why haven't they nerfed that goddamn champion yet? Nearly all champions' base attack damage or abilities have been nerfed. Shyvana hasn't been in the game for millennia and isn't even played in Emerald-Diamond elo. It's ridiculous and frustrating that they haven't touched Lee Sin for a year. Why does a champion with such strong mechanics and easy gank potential still have such high base stats? Only the cooldown of the W skill has been increased, which has no effect. He still has extremely high damage. Early game red buff, golems and boom 'enemy double kill' in bot lane. Sett and Kayle are likewise screwed right now with nerfs. I think champions like Lee Sin who have high mechanics and cause the game to end in the 2nd minute by good players should be nerfed. Lee Sin can get a kill by hitting his first ability in the early game. This is so stupid.
- You ban the counterpick of your champ
- Opponent picks Lee Sin
- You see the Muay Thai skin on the loading screen
- Game starts, red buff>golems>'enemy double kill!'
- The game is officially lost in the second minute