These are only suggestions. In my opinion, implementing these changes will improve the quality of the game and maybe help create some diversity in item builds.
- Stattik Shiv
This item is still fairly used by many champions. The stats and passive are decent and don't really need any changes. However, there is one mildly infuriating thing about it. The passive activates even when you are hitting turrets. When you're simply trying to take down a turret and there's an enemy champion present nearby, they will get hit by the passive and then you attract the turret agro. So you're forced to back off for no damn reason. I have had this experience countless times. The enemy champion is low health and simply have no means to force you off the turret but you're still forced to retreat because of this stupid thing. I would like to have it so that the item passive does ( or maybe doesn't) deal the bonus damage to turret but doesn't bounce off when attacking turrets. I think it's a much needed QoL change.
- Wit's End
This particular item feels really weak, have felt so from the start. You only get AS and MR. The bonus damage is just fine, although I feel a lot of it is diminished by the enemies' base MR. It also doesn't crit. Also, it gives you healing only when you are below 50%. The stats and passive are both underwhelming. It's simply not viable to build it as one of the first 3 items for any champ because its better to have a Vamp item like BOTRK or BT than this, even vs AP heavy teams. Proposed fix for this is to maybe give some AD or have the mitigation healing without the 50% health restriction.
- Maw of Malmortius
Another item with a really good passive but the stats you gain are just not worth it. I feel like this is the only item that is worth building against AP champs like Annie, Veigar, Brand, Kata etc. The passive is helpful for every bruiser and ADC. But again, it's simply not worth to build it as one of the first 3 items. You get only AD, minimal AH and some MR. There aren't that many champs that can benefit from AD only from one of their core items. The stats should be a teensy bit better. Maybe give 20% AS or 200 HP. It could be more popular among bruisers with the bonus HP.
Another proposed QoL change is to reduce the slow from items like Seralda's Grudge and Iceborn Gauntlet FOR ranged champions. It feels too easy to kite and/or escape for a MM building one of these two. I know there aren't many ADCs that benefit from these but it's really unfun to have a Corki, Ezreal or Lucian kite you to death and escape easily when things go wrong. Maybe decrease slow time from 1s to 0.75s for ranged champions.
This one is an important QoL suggestion. Can we please not have champions being broken on their release? Every time a champion is released, its busted af and you have to ban it every match, but sometimes you just can't. Then you have to deal with it for the next few weeks before it's nerfed. I know it's a pretty popular cheap tactic but it really kills the fun.
If you disagree or have suggestions of your own, you can write in comments. Hoping it gets noticed by a Riot employee.
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