Hello all, i wanted to create a small written guide on how to think about improving at Wild Rift. I'm currently GM in EU, can't quite reach chall yet but I still have a lot of improving to do myself.
Best Roles
Here is the first topic. It's better to start off with role as this is a top down point that is important. Every role can carry (yes, even support) - but not all roles have equal input. And you will find that certain roles have changing carry potential the higher you climb.
Here is my list in terms of carry potential at diamond+ (best to worst)
- Jungle
- Mid
- Support (engage, roam heavy)
- Baron
- Support (enchanter)
Jungle is the highest impact due to how much you can influence the map. Jungle diff is real in high elo. The old rank 1 player eu was a jungle and had 3 accounts in the top 5 challenger. Hands down the most important role in the game at all elos although you may find in low elos if you have a turbo inting lane you may not be able to influence the game as much as you would like. Also because its so easy to get level 5 a lot of junglers that were kinda bad on pc are great in wild rift as you can unlock your ulti way too quickly.
Mid similar reason to jungle as you can roam a lot and you're well positioned to influence the jungle match up as well as bot lane and baron lane.
I separated out supports into two categories. Engage and roam heavy supports can influence the game a lot either by forcing successful fights in the 2v2 bot and winning or roaming and shadowing your jungler after the early laning phase (4 mins after first dragon). I'm a support main and i play a lot of rakan, leona, braum etc in order to successfully influence the game through roams. Enchanter supports are generally there to prop up your adc and are more reliant on your team for success.
Baron lane can impact but its hard to win through split pushing in this game (at high elo especially, can likely do it better at low elo). You're also the lane furthest away from dragon and generally most removed from early action unless you intend to make big roams. Tanks can be super influential in teamfights but you still need the damage behind you to make it work.
ADC can carry for sure (Jinx especially at low elo, best adc champ to climb 100%) but with a heavy assassin meta and CC all over the place you are often at the mercy of your team more often than not. You're very reliant on turbo crushing your lane to snowball to a point where you can solo carry.
Champ Pool
Don't try to have a champion ocean. Aim for 3-4 champions that fulfill diff team roles in your given lane. I always like to pick champions that can influence the map or be more macro orientated. The key word you want is "agency" - you need a champion that gives YOU agency in the game. Champions like twisted fate are amazing because you can have a direct impact on the map and influence the game beyond your lane. If you are low elo do not try to pick yasuo, vayne, riven, irelia etc. and expect to hard carry without countless games invested into mastering them.
Here are a few good options in each role:
Baron: Camille (hard to master but high carry potential), Malphite (good agency, engager), Garen (easy to play, hard to punish), Gragas (flexible, very few bad match ups)
Jungle: Lee (hard to master, but best jungler in high elo), Eve (high snowball potential, little counterplay), Vi (great agency, single target lockdown), Kha (relatively easy to play, high carry), Xin (good all rounder), Wukong (comment suggested)
Mid: Ziggs (safe, great tower taker), Ahri (good roam potential, very few bad match ups), Twisted Fate (best pick to influence map), Zed (easiest ad assassin to play, can snowball hard), Kata (if you put time into her can solo carry), Galio (safe, good map impact), Lucian (solid snowball, good match ups)
ADC: Jinx (easiest adc to climb with, can play with no hands), Kaisa (good all rounder), Ezreal (safe, scales well), Draven (can take over games at low elo if you're good)
Supp: Leona (engage, tanky), Rakan (engage, easy to roam), Senna (soul generation broken rn, high damage carry), Ali (ultimate is still awesome, a lot of agency), Braum (high roam potential, great in small skirmishes), Janna (as comments suggested can carry)
In Game
The number one phrase that let's me know that someone is hardstuck and won't climb is I won my lane gg team sucks. The game is not won in your lane. If you win your lane and you DON'T translate that into a map advantage by roaming or joining and influencing objective fights then you f*cked up. You have to always think about where you can impact the map.
Here are a few in game tips to help you thin about winning games from a map perspective :
mini map is your friend. Where is your jungler? Where do you think their jungler is? How many enemy icons can you see, are there any missing? Information is half the battle and keeping an eye on the mini map will help you win.
if you kill your lane, or you push the minim wave to the turret don't just sit and wait for the next wave. Roam out of lane, even by entering the fog of war you are creating pressure by taking away your positional information from the enemy. If you leave mid lane and I'm the enemy bot I'm immediately going to be cautious and maybe think twice about engaging even if my 2v2 is winning. Think about helping your jungle with scuttle, putting vision down, trying to take your turret etc. Always look to do something, being idle in lane is a waste.
as a jungler always be mindful of your laner positions. My number one gripe with junglers is when they go for a scuttle fight or an invade when none of their laners have priority (this means they aren't able to easily leave lane without losing minions to tower or losing a heavy 1v1 trade) and then complain when the enemy collapses on them and kills them. LOOK AT YOUR LANES. If they are under their own turrets maybe look for ganks or play safer instead of trying to yeet yourself at the enemy jungler. If your lanes are pushing the enemies under tower make sure u ping and inform your team you're making an aggressive play.
as a support don't be afraid to leave bot lane and roam often. After first dragon i usually roam a lot. Its not your job to babysit your adc - just be aware of any potential tower dives bot and be ready to move back and react.
objectives. Towers especially. Towers are massively underated at low elo - they are worth so much gold for your team so ensure you're working to take as many as you can at any opportunity you get.
don't type. Waste of time and no one plays better after you tell them what you intend on doing to their mother.
vision : creating and denial. Ward and sweeper. A really easy way to set up win conditions is to deny enemy vision and set up ganks in brushes, especially in the river when big objectives like baron spawn.
Your team is not to blame every single game. There are people that climb to high elo and they did not all get extremely lucky. If you get svp every game you aren't doing enough to impact the map at whatever stage of the game. The people who climb are the people who look to fix their mistakes and genuinely understand that if they aren't climbing its not their team every game.
The wide varieties of skill between silver and emerald is crazy, I've seen emerald players who are as bad as some silvers ans gold players who play better than diamonds. The loss prevention system means that on average everyone should climb eventually even if you aren't genuinely improving. Games can be frustrating but there is always something more you can do.
Short guide im going to make a longer video on this but i hope you got something from it :)
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