over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

That's great to hear!
I wish I could take credit for the next season's rules, but this was in major part due to the feedback so many people gave on desiring another season without CV's. As you may recall, the last season without CV's was the T9 maybe 2 season ago? I think it was Season 12...
The plan is to give more of a head's up about what's coming down the pipe! Also - I love your plan to do a practice night in KOTS format before the weekend. Unforunately I can't make this week as I am packing up my things in the evening getting ready to move!

over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

So, is seeing a CB srimmage / KOTS scrimmage something you'd enjoy seeing on the Official channel some time?

I'd love to get an idea of how much competitive is something people would like to see featured on the Official Channel.

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