over 3 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

Lemme have a look at my ship. One sec.

over 3 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

So this is a build I threw together, keep in mind, I am a DD main, so this may be a bit different than some others suggest, Siegfried is a good fire over the should shoulder and kite away ship and for me 3150HP at tier IX to me, doesn't seem to add enough to burn 3 pts... but this of course in some situations could be the difference between burning to death and burning to survive...

Until we get some data from the "Large Cruisers" or "Battle Cruisers" possibly change some skills or add them (this is all possible) I might try this as a build for now.

Also, this is a 21pt commander, because I'm a whale and have piles of ECX sitting in the pool


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