over 5 years ago - Gneisenau013 - Direct link

Commanders, we continue to work on the bugs and improvements on the Public test version 0.8.5. Thank you for participating in testing!

Maintenance for the Public Test server is required during this time:


Start: 11:00 am ET / 08:00 am PT

End: 12:00 pm ET / 09:00 am PT


The minimum speed when using the Engine Boost for all Tier IV to X aircraft has been changed. Now the aircraft decelerate by 26.25 knots instead of 17.5. Attack aircraft, as well as Japanese and German aircraft, decelerate by 30 knots instead of 20;

Fixed the bug which prevented reopening of the Campaigns screen;

Fixed the bug where squadrons of the aircraft carrier punished for dealing damage to allies were not displayed on the minimap.