over 5 years ago - Radar_X - Direct link

The goal of the change was to add consistent DPS based on the communities feedback and this was a huge change. While the overall damage did not change, the distribution of it did and yes if we see plane losses are becoming excessive we can make more minor changes to adjust it.

The data from this weekend and early next week should provide the information needed to make adjustments. Until then we appreciate everyone's patience!

over 5 years ago - Radar_X - Direct link

With respect, applying damage to planes randomly is not consistent and created situations where squadrons could attack and walk away with minimal damage based on good RNG. We recognize this was a major change but does now provide that level of consistency and improves AA interaction. This along with further changes to sector AA will improve the systems usability and provide the counterplay many players have been asking for.

There was testing done on PTS for weeks before it went live and the change does in fact work. The adjustments which may be required to planes are relatively minor (but still important) in comparison and can be done fairly quickly.

over 5 years ago - Radar_X - Direct link

Sorry my wording wasn't meant to say DPS was added, but that the consistency was. The overall damage was not changed just how it's distributed among the squadron and as expected yes the plane losses are higher but perhaps higher than necessary.

There will always be a skill gap between the high performers, regular folks, and us potatoes but that skill should be rewarded with higher efficiency and reward. In terms of AA, we are continuing to make adjustments to that (there are more in testing) and the sector AA redesign should provide something better what's currently in the game. This is definitely a concern of ours and this weeks update was just one step to addressing it.

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