over 5 years ago - - Direct link
Nine French destroyers are ready to join the World of Warships armada! Read more
over 5 years ago - BTed72 - Direct link

I really do enjoy playing the Le Terrible, @HyPHerFaZe.

One suggestion for release day, take out any DD's or cruisers you want to test so you may learn which work best against the many French DD's that likely will be playing those days.

AS a DD Main I am very curious to see how the different tier French DD's, with their guns and speed will match up vs there rivals. If nothing else but to learn how I might need to modify my DD play style when facing them.

over 5 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Hey Captains,

What about them seem to be a challenge? The lack of smoke? The speed getting you into trouble?

What are you looking forward to learning about the French DDs?

Glad you enjoyed the article! Which DD are you looking forward to the most?

over 5 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Hey BB3_Oregon_Steel,

Looking at the line the first thing I would notice is also the lack of the smoke generator. Without the smoke generator how does that change your thinking in playing these DDs. Would that mean you are less inclined to go into the cap because you have no way of breaking line of sight? Would you play the supporting role DD (behind the capping DD) and sit a few kms back and help deal damage to the enemy DD? The other two things that are quite noticeable about these DDs are the torpedo speeds at high tier and the ship speed.

What are your thoughts captains on making these two characteristics work? Torpedo speed and ship speed. Hit and run? Kiting away torps?