Please note that the information in the Development Blog is preliminary.
Soon, there will be closed testing of the new mechanic of semi-armor piercing shells.
Please note that if this concept of semi-armor piercing shells will be successfully tested, detailed information about its area of usage will be announced later.
Semi-armor piercing shells - a new type of shell, similar to high explosive terms of in armor penetration mechanics, which means that the shell explodes immediately after hitting the ship. However, the armor penetration of the semi-armor piercing shells will be higher than that of high explosive ones. The difference between this type of shell and high explosive shells is that they are not capable of causing fire or damaging the modules of the ship by the blast wave. When firing semi-armor piercing shells, it is possible to ricochet.
Semi-armor piercing shells, when properly used, can do more damage than high explosive shells, but the absence of fires and the presence of ricochets will give players the opportunity to effectively withstand this type of ammunition.
Please note that the information in the Development Blog is preliminary.