about 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

So - #1, what survey are you talking about? All of them? Any one in particular? This is pretty broad and hard to answer.
#2 - When have we done this? Again, you are saying that we end surveys when something negative is said. That's not how surveys work, so I'd like to know what's making you feel this way.
#3 - "Didn't get past the 1st question" - again, what survey? Is it the in-game "Rate your last battle" one?
We give out surveys to get your opinions - good or bad. We don't set out to waste our own time so cutting a survey short because we got 1 bad answer isn't what we do.
So again... please point me to a specific example rather than just call us pathetic. I'm frankly very tired of things like these where people who are having bad days tag ahskance or myself with their anger over something they won't even give an example of. The NA CM team is working as hard as possible to be transparent and give you answers when we have them. I expect a similar level of integrity from you.

about 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Like you said, we represent the game - so why wouldn't I have a personal stake in how people address their issues?
I have been a player for 4 years - I hold myself to a certain level when I criticize the game's direction - I still do that now.
If a survey that should take 10 minutes is disappearing after a single question, then something is broken. If you are accusing of us doing it on purpose, then that means someone didn't do their job and purposefully made it so a survey stops after a negative response. That's a big accusation because it suggests that someone in the company is literally attempting to hide negative reviews. There are plenty of negative things people say on surveys so I highly doubt anyone has done something on purpose like that.
If you honestly think that is a real thing, and you're not just blowing off steam, then give me specifics in your OP next time so I can investigate.

Can you see what I mean by this?

about 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

And that would mean that something is broken - but to have the OP immediately suggest that it's because we "rigged" it to stop after negative responses is ludicrous and I'm not going to just let it slide.
You want a real answer from us? Ask a real question please.

about 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Tomorrow at work I will ask if there is a bug within the in-game survey that causes it to quit early.
I will also ask if someone has intentionally sabotaged the survey so that only good answers show up.
I will let you guys know.

about 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

I'm not Customer Service - if you intend to make a claim that we are acting maliciously and you ping me for a response - expect a reasonable level of pushback if you don't provide any examples / evidence.

about 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

The "Recommendation" survey in-game was implemented to find out why people WOULD recommend the game. Seeing as people are often far more vocal about their dislikes than their likes, it was determined to make a survey specifically to find out about what they like enough to cause them to recommend to others because often times people with positive responses simply go along being happy and don't voice it in the forums or elsewhere.
Nothing was bugged. No one was maliciously trying to "hide" anything. The specific purpose of the survey was to discover what people were happy about enough to recommend.
Before you say, "Why not ask why they WOULDN'T recommend? Doesn't WG care about our opinions???" - Yes, we do - and we have multiple processes weekly that the Community Managers do to round up feedback of all types and relay it upwards. This survey in particular was not one of those processes.
Hope that helps to understand