over 5 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Hey Paul1224,

When it comes to Tier VIII, there are a few things you need to take into account.

Tier VIII is the most stretched tier in the game, Tier VIIIs have to be able to fill games from Tier VI to Tier X.

There are a decent amount of players that play Tier X, so that draws some Tier VIIIs into those games.

As a Tier VIII you have to change your mindset from being the biggest kid on the playground to the kid that is the friend of the biggest kid on the playground.

In Sub_Octavians Q&A he was asked about Tier VIIIs and this is what he said:

Question 7: Is WG happy with the effect that CVs have on tier VIII MM?

Sub_Octavian's answer: Tier VIII vs Tier X experience is roughly the same regardless of class. Some globacl MM improvements are being worked on but no CV specific changes are currently planned. We want to improve the experience for Tier VIII in general for all classes!

You can find the whole write-up on the Q&A here:

Some tips for playing Tier VIII: These tips are for any time you are a lower tier.

Play the supportive role to your Tier Xs (if in a Tier X game). Make sure you are targeting the same ships they are and helping them knock out low health targets.

Tier VIIIs have plenty of ability to dealing damage to higher Tier ships and this goes for any lower tier ship. A Tier VIII BB can still deal good damage to Tier Xs if they don't respect the ship you are in.

Make sure you are always paying attention to where you are at on the map, stay closer to your support and work with your team. This doesn't mean sit in the back, but this does mean roll with some friendlies.

Don't just constantly grind a ship if you got time to take a break (this goes for any tier). Switch it up and play other ships as well.

Good luck with your grinds!