over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link


Folks, may I remind you that every single post and reply must follow forum guidelines.

In the context of this post there have been some good replies.

Out of context, if you have a bad experience with someone, or they talk incorrectly or out of place there are systems to take care of that. You should be blocking those people, reporting them and submitting a ticket with either replays or screenshots.

If you are unsure you can send them to me first.

Someone that is asking for someone to division up with, etc on these forums is just that. @Shadow2k1 if you want to division up sometime feel free to ping me. If you're looking for advice on how to play feel free to ask in our forums as well.


over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

So first off, your statement, "but they are not subject to review, and are inevitably corrupted by the intoxicating thrill of power" is 100% not true, if a WG employee is breaking the rules and you report them they WILL be punished, we hold ourselves and our volunteers to a higher standard.

Second, "I was recently chat banned because I gave a robust response to someone who invited me to commit suicide. That person naturally ran away to the Speak Correctly Officer, who banned me, without any review or investigation. This is what happens, when "systems" to silence people are established. They are corrupted, and they are manipulated." anyone that tells someone to do that, if you report them, screen shot it and send a customer service ticket in or send the information to me with screenshots and replays, THEY will be chat banned instantly, no questions asked. If you were chat banned, that means that YOU broke the rules/guidelines as well. Two wrongs do not make right.

Third, "They assume that their infringement on other people's right to free expression is a lessor evil than offence felt at unwelcome expressions" so the freedom of speech and what some like to call our moderation and chat rules as a violation of the 1st amendment is not true. The 1st amendment applies to PUBLIC speaking. NOT conversations or interactions on a private venue. Which is what you're doing here and in game. And in fact I would say almost every single video game in existence has that same statements in their EULA (you know, the thing you click "OK" to before installing the game but never read) where it says our rules, regulations and guidelines. And very simply, if you break those rules/regulations and guidelines we reserve the right to handle the situation as we see fit.

Our moderating team and staff that handle the chat screening are there to ensure that EVERYONE is able to have a fun and safe environment to play the GAME in. Especially since you have people of all ages playing this game, some as young as 4 or 5 years old all the way to in their 80's or older (I recently met a WW2 vet that said he played our game!). And quite frankly I don't want anyone in our community to feel personally attacked or like they have the need lash out in any venue, whether here or in game.


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