over 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Hello, Captains and Heroes!

A new Devblog has been posted here: https://blog.worldofwarships.com/blog/254

Please leave any feedback you have here <3

Thank you!

over 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Do you think that Supers in randoms would be more or less disruptive than submarines?

over 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

To me, Submarines are more disruptive to the way a standard game of Random goes than superships are.
Some of the Superships are, in my opinion as a competitive player, too useful as they are. I genuinely believe that the two Autoloader cruisers are too good, but only because the downside to their abilities (longer reload after using autoloader) isn't quite punishing enough for the ability to obliterate something they catch making a mistake.
Satsuma is hardly game-breaking.
Hannover is honestly a monster in it's current iteration, but I highly doubt any secondary-focused BB can "Break the game".
Zorkiy will have to be watched, as it could end up being a monster damager farmer, but other DD gunboats won't be rendered obsolete by it.
Yamagiri is hardly broken - it's more of a flexibility gimmick than a "SMASH IT NOW FOREVER" gimmick.
Only Conde and Annapolis have the potential to be "too good for the game", and that's why they need to be tested in a large sample size.

over 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

As for your stats and the API changes that come with superships -
The Super-Battleships bring a HUGE slab of HP into the game that has been missing with the inclusion of a submarine or two per match.

over 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

It's a fair question to pose for feedback's sake. People freaked out about subs in randoms, then slowly got used to it, and now it's not quite the same horrifying shock that it was when they were first tested in randoms.
I want to know if he's having the same feeling towards superships which, for all intents and purposes, are far less "Unlike" submarines. They're functionally T10's with a few boosted parameters.

It's not ONLY relevant to damage missions. It's relevant to the API and stat-tracking programs that a HUGE part of the community rely upon for tracking their progress and visible skill level.
From Wows-Numbers, which many people casually use, your PR is factored by 3 things: your WR, your damage, and your kills.
Extra HP in the game DOES matter in that regard.