over 5 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Please note that the information in the Development Blog is preliminary.

Since its announcement, the Naval Training Center has received many changes, including the change of its name to the Research Bureau.

Soon, you will be able to try out the new mechanics on the public test server with version 0.8.7. Today, we would like to summarize all the details of the Research Bureau.

The core of the system remains the same: players will be able to earn a new "research points" resource and spend it in a special section of the Armory. To do this, players will need to reset researched branches of the ships and then research them again.

More about the Research bureau:

Each player, who has at least two tier X re-searchable ships in port, will be able to reset any re-searchable branch of the ships. In this case, the research of the branch will be canceled, and the ships sold with all modules.

Reset rules:

You must have researched a tier X level ship in the branch you want to reset, but you don't have to research all previous ships in the branch.

The branch is completely reset to tier I ship. For example, if you decide to drop a branch of Soviet destroyers starting with Grozovoi, it will be dropped to Minsk and then to Storozhevoi and Novik. After that, if you want you will be able to reset the other Soviet destroyers branch, starting from Khabarovsk on the same principle, but the bonuses will be received only by Khabarovsk, Tashkent and Kiev.

Modifications will be removed free of charge and moved to the inventory, commanders will be sent to the reserve and keep their specialization, all accumulated experience will be transferred to the first ship in the branch.

You can reset an unlimited number of branches.

When you reset a branch, ships from the VI-X level will receive a special mark, which can be taken off by winning on this ship. Activating this mark will give you research points.

More about the research points:

If for some reason there were "gaps" of unresearched ships in the branch, these ships will not receive a bonus for the victory. For example, if during the early access you got the Soviet tier VIII battleship Vladivostok, and later researched the branch of Soviet battleships to the Kremlin and reset it, then you will get bonuses only for the tier VIII-X ships;

Bonus for the victory will be displayed in the port interface in the same way as other similar bonuses, for example, "stars" or "snowflakes".

You can get research points once per branch reset on each ship by gaining the first victory;

The number of research points that player can get depends on ship's tier. A player will be able to earn 10,000 Research Points for one branch reset:

500 for the victory on a tier VI ship.

500 for the victory on a tier VII ship.

1500 for the victory on a tier VIII ship.

1500 for the victory on a tier IX ship.

6000 for the victory on a tier X ship.

Player can get only 8000 research points for CV branch reset. This is due to the fact that approximately 20% less experience is required to research a CV branch.

In addition, each player with at least 2 tier X re-searchable ships in port will receive a one-time award of 10,000 research points for accessing the Research bureau system.

The research bureau system will be divided into seasons of 3 months each.

At the initial stage, the impact of the seasons on the Research bureau will be that the ships of the first branch reset in the season will receive a double amount of the research points. This bonus will remain on the ships until player gains his first victory on them.

This bonus will make it easier to accumulate research points for the most expensive awards. For example, to save for the Colbert (worth 57000 research points), the player will need 4 branch resets instead of 5 (including a one-time award of 10,000 research points).


Research points can be exchanged at the Armory in the Research bureau section.

The Research bureau tab will be available to the player in the Armory only after receiving the first research points.

The Italian V-VII level Montecuccoli, Trento and Zara cruisers will be available on a public test server in the Research bureau. So, you can be one of the first who test the full-throttle smoke generator and semi-armor piercing shells. Details can be found on Thursday in the Developer Bulletin and news with details of the Public Test.

After the release of the 0.8.7 update, players will be able to exchange research points for the French tier X cruiser Colbert, and later it will be joined by the American tier X battleship Ohio. If you are not ready to save for a new ship, you will be able to profitably exchange the research points for the combat signals and free XP bundles. One bundle of 250,000 free XP will cost 12,500 research points.

Please note that the information in the Development Blog is preliminary and all mentioned numbers may change afterwards.

over 5 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Hey Ensign_Cthulhu,

1. I will get clarification for you on the exact time you will have to get the bonus on the first line you reset. This is a good question!

2. Correct, you can only get the bonus on the first line you reset during any given season.

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