Changes directly influenced by feedback from the community:
Blind firing (having no bloom when firing main guns)
Purchasing signals with credits
Graf Zeppelin
CV rework (believe it or not this was more driven from the community than people think) And I know people are going to say we're not listening to current feedback about the state of CV's but, that isn't true
Changes to AA
West Virginia '41
Radar mechanics
German BB dispersion buff
UU Mission expiration dates change
Refund's from boosters purchased with doubloons during the dockyard event
And A LOT more, this is just what I can think of off the top of my head. Believe it or not, the community input plays into A LOT of what we do/change. I personally have a running list of things that I see every week and if something pops up repeatedly and is constructive (meaning, detail, not just "this is dumb kind of feedback) that I ping up our chain as frequently as possible.
Just because we don't see a change occurs immediately it doesn't mean that your feedback isn't heard.