over 4 years ago - Maredraco - Direct link


I would like to take this time to introduce myself, my name is Maredraco. I am the new Community Manager for World of Warships focusing mainly on the Brazilian region, but you might see me around the NA region every now and then. I have been in the gaming industry for over 10 years and have done side projects on most social medias. Some of you might have met me before, at my previous companies I was known as GMRomeu and Mythasinn, but if this is our first-time meeting, then it is a pleasure to meet you. I look forward to seeing and hearing from this passionate community. I guess the best way to kick things off is a quick FAQ.

Q. Where are you from?

R. I was born in Goiania, Goias, Brazil. I have lived in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), California (USA), and Texas (USA) where I currently live.

Q. What games do you play?

R. I will probably play anything you put in front of me, in the PC, console, phone or even in IRL. I grew up with the Fallout series, hardcore mode on Diablo 2, and way more hours than I like to admit on Ragnarok Online. Also played many games on console like 007, most Mario games, Star Fox, and Rush.

Q. What do you like to do?

R. Well, play games and more games, oh and let's not forget I love to play games. When I am not playing games or working I like to play sports, board game, camp, look at art (specially fan art and cover of songs, just anything that shows that person`s take on something), and watch shows/movies.

Q. Do you have pets?

R. I have always lived in houses that already had animals, so I never had one of my own. If I could have any pet, I would want a dragon. I love dragons, not the lizards, like actual fantasy book dragons. If I had to pick a real animal, pet monkey or just a dog, although I really did enjoy the hamster, we had in the last house so I would not be opposed to getting one. 😊

Q. Likes and dislikes?

R. I like the color navy blue. I like to eat BBQ, and simple food. For example, vanilla Ice cream (vanilla dipping dots are my favorite), Rice with chicken stroganoff and potato chip, ham and cheese grilled sandwich, and Original flavor chips. I like going sailing, speed boating, rafting, and surfing. I like to see people`s art and craft, send me art, send me jokes, send me memes! I dislike vegetables, I am firm believer of the 5000 second rule, and if something has been in the ground for long enough it had the chance to grow, I am not touching it. Haha

Can`t wait to talk to you all and hopefully I get to meet some talented people in the community.

over 4 years ago - Maredraco - Direct link

That is a good question. As soon as I find out I will let you know.

Haha, but the job is to be here listening, reading and when I can, replying to the community. Gathering feedback and asking for feedback among other tasks. I will be primarily in the Brazilian forum and topics, but you should see me wondering around the NA a little. I am working with Hapa_Fodder, so the things you see him do I should be doing as well.

over 4 years ago - Maredraco - Direct link

I might have one of those 2 options. We will see.

over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link


We will definitely have to get some good head gear!

I for one am very excited to have @Maredraco joining the team so I can stop looking like so much a potato trying to use Google translate



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