over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link


We have a list of approved mods and I assure you those players that use NOT approved mods, go away eventually. It just takes time for us to scan through the sea of players to find them. TBH, I play VERY often and barely if ever come across players that I look at and question. So it's a small population of garbage people out there that do this. And we do catch them.

But remember we don't advertise these people or our actions, so just because you don't necessarily see the actions taken, does not mean it's not occurring.

That being said, it IS possible to have stats like you copied above, without those illegal mods.



over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

If only we could still Keel haul....


over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link


SO there will be NO posting of ANY links or video's on these forums of hacks, suspected players hacking, or to other discussion boards about hacks. If you want to discuss them, PM each other. If you suspect someone of hacking, submit your replay in a customer service ticket or PM it to me and I'll take a look.

This conversation is DOA!

Posting exploits/hacks

If you come across a bug, or a third-party tool that would otherwise impact gameplay, please report it using the appropriate channels.

Discussing the exploitation of game mechanics, or encouraging the usage of mechanics outside of their intended design.

That is all.


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