about 5 years ago - Radar_X - Direct link

Hey Khafni, the intent of these changes is to make adjustments which will increase options available to DD players when targeted by CVs (especially bombing). While I have no doubt your experience feels accurate, did that captain state to you he wasn't paying attention? How can you be certain you would have hit him if he wasn't shooting something?

Overall the goal of these changes is not penalize CVs but ensure proper balance between ship interactions (and in this case that's CV vs DDs). Again keep in mind this is going to PT and if adjustments need to be made, we'll absolutely make them.

about 5 years ago - Radar_X - Direct link

Let's please keep the discussion constructive. We aren't removing any class, it's not even a conversation.

In the meantime let's please focus on which issues you feel are most important and affecting the class you play. Bear in mind other classes while they may appear powerful may not be in the opinions of those playing them. Ultimately how folks feel mixed with good data is how balance decisions are made.

about 5 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

We have previously explained why this is not a feature we are considering.

The possibility of facing CVs in games forces players to make choices in how they will configure their ships, if you know you will never see a CV, you will never spec your ships for AA and conversely, players who opt to stay in game with CVs will purposely spec for AA. This leads to heavily weighted games in either situation. Furthermore, adding additional criteria's into the Matchmaking system will extend times for games to be formed, and while peak server time would be able to cope, it would cause major impact on the quieter times for the server.

Please consider that this is not an individual ship change, this is a change that is impacting a mechanic within the game as a whole. Which as previously stated when we shelved the concept of altering the GC, would be conducted if it improves the overall balance of the game

"It should be noted that even the ships purchased in or marketed through Premium store are a part of a big game we all play. That means our decision does not isolate any ship from systematic changes applied to a group of ships on common basis or to the whole game. For example, a change to the Radar mechanics affects all ships equipped with Radar, a Smoke mechanics change affects all ships with smoke, etc." - Source

This is a game wide mechanic change that is impacting techtree and premium ships alike.

Please remember, as all proposed changes on the Dev Blog, these are work in progress. This means that depending on testing that will be conducted internally and with the help of our STs/CSTs/CCs determined if it will make it into the game.