over 5 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Hey Captains,

The Fiji is a great ship with a lot of strong qualities. You have smoke, hydro, torpedoes and the British AP. The Fiji is ship that has a lot of utility and that is key to me for a ship to want me to play it.



Torpedoes that have decent range for the tier and are not just "panic torps".

Smoke of course and at that tier when the amount of radar is limited can be a game-changer.

Hydro to protect yourself in your smoke or to check around islands.


RN CL armor.

Can struggle dealing damage to angled BBs.

No radar like the Belfast or Atlanta.

Overall the Fiji is a great ship and should be in your port to take out once in awhile.

over 5 years ago - BTed72 - Direct link

I believe it is time to buy back my Fiji. Get back into the swing, sway, style of that fantastic Tier 7 cruiser.

Rank sprint will be a great time to get back in her see what she can do!

I am actually pumped to have the reason to get her back and get my skills back up to snuff!