almost 6 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Hello HellHammer9182,

First off a few questions:

What tier were you playing?

What ship were you playing?

Now that we got the questions out of the way, let us dive into your post:

Torpedoes have a spotting distance assigned to each type. We have all been hit by torpedoes at long range or by torpedoes that were unspotted.

The advantage of having torpedoes that have a longer range is to keep you from getting inside radar range (doesn't always work). If you look at the ranges of most torpedoes they fall in the 8-12km range. The exceptions of course are the low tier ships and specially designed torpedo boats (Shimakaze and Asashio). I am probably missing more but you get the gist =).

Let us look at it from the DD side, there are ships in the game with radar that is longer than 10km, is it fair for them to have to constantly be in range of radar to use torpedoes?

Tips on dodging torpedoes:

Always be maneuvering and changing your speeds.

Pay attention to the mini-map and make sure you have last know position turned on (This is a tip for everyone!).

Also make sure the mini-map is big enough that you can see everything that is going on (use + and - to increase the size).

Learning when/where to position is also big for not getting destroyed by torpedoes. Learning the maps will make it so you sit in torpedo alleys less.

I hope these tips help you a bit.

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