over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link


You learn over time when to and not to fire AP in a DD (I know, I know "duh" however, common sense is not common) .

Pretty much, if you're close, and something has lower than norm armor (DD, light cruisers, etc) AP can work very effectively, or even broad BB's, dumping AP into superstructure can work VERY well.

For me usually what I do, if I am smoked up and something is broad, I will fire away with HE till I see a fire start, then switch to AP until the fire is out then back to HE to start another fire.

DD vs DD, AP can be fickle, from angles to overpens, but with the reload of DD guns, often times I will hit the "2" key, full salvo, hit the "1" key fire a full salvo and rinse and repeat.

Now all that being said.... when you are in something like a Kleber (or Marceau when she comes out), wait till you see a broadside parked ship like a Smolensk, lay some AP into them center of mass and watch the citadel count pop!

A good rule of thumb while you are learning though, stick to HE, once you get really comfortable with DD's then you can branch out to AP more.



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