over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link


PLEASE put in a customer support ticket with all the information you have stated here.



over 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

We have not been informed, nor do we know of a data breach on WeeGee's side at this time. More than likely he has that lill box checked for saving PW's to Chrome, which PERSONALLY, not company policy, I would avoid against EVER doing.... but that is just me. If someone is saving PW's to chrome and or using the same PW's for various things, chrome would ping that it has occurred.

All that being said, it IS good house keeping to change all your PW's on occasion. Just saying. I have gone, well heck, probably over 20 years and never had a PW compromised, but I was also in the Navy and they pretty much drill into you that all PW's have to be like 10 characters, upper case, lower case, special characters, numbers and none of your last 10 PW's and you had to change them like every 6 months.... This of course could make your PW so secure even YOU can't access sites.... Better to have a lill black book or even a PW program you keep than to trust chrome.



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