almost 3 years ago - Maredraco - Direct link


Last week, we decided to disable Asymmetric Battles and have now made the decision not to re-enable this battle mode at this time.

The original idea for this mode was “David vs Goliath” where players who have an advantage in numbers are pitted against opponents who are outnumbered, but control superior ships.

This concept is unconventional for our Matchmaker since in this mode, the players choose which team to join, whereas usually, Matchmaker takes care of this part. We did not fully account for the impact this player choice would have on this mode, considering that it was supposed to pit players versus players by design. This aspect of the mode’s design largely resulted in battles where there were too many bots for players to have an engaging and interesting PvP experience, which directly contradicts with our initial design goal of delivering a "David vs Goliath" gameplay experience.

Considering the circumstances, we’ll need more time to fix the issues that currently prevent us from delivering on this design goal. We know that some of you were enjoying the mode in its current state or shared our vision of what it was supposed to play like and will be disappointed with it being disabled indefinitely. Rest assured we plan to bring it back when we’ve fixed these current issues and are confident the mode provides a challenging and fun PvP experience.

almost 3 years ago - Maredraco - Direct link

Thanks for letting us know. It should be fixed now, please let me know if it is still hard to read.