about 5 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link


Due to a technical error In update 0.8.3, the Radar range of USN premium cruisers Montpelier and Wichita changed to 10 km instead of correct and the intended 9 km. This will be fixed in update 0.8.4, as we specifically reworked all Radar ranges for all ships to be systematic, and would like to avoid any inconsistencies. We're absolutely sure that it will not significantly affect Montpelier's combat capabilities and Wichita was originally released with the correct range.

We value your trust in us above all and want to own up to our mistakes. Thus, all purchases with Montpelier and Wichita in Premium shop made after update 0.8.3 and until till 23:59 UTC, 3rd of May can be fully refunded. This refund will be available until until 23:59 UTC 31st of May; to claim it, please file a ticket to Customer Support.

We apologize for any possible inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
Best regards,
WoWS Team