over 3 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link


Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, was waiting for a response.

So the bug with Narai has been fixed and it will return with the 0.9.7 patch!



over 3 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

I find it really interesting that you are saying we "lied" about anything when it comes to Naraii or the other operations, when we have been 100% transparent about them. Let me reiterate everything we've said and so far fulfilled.

A: The focus of our dev team is PvP so there are not as much assets being directed at operations (as the population that plays them is very small globally). This is why it takes time to fix them, patch them or change them.

Have we made changes to bring all the PvE more in line with each other (meaning coop and operations?) YES, because neither is meant to replace PvP

Have we made changes to PvE to allow various missions, campaigns and directives able to be completed in PvE? YES, as a result of direct feedback from the community these changes have slowly made it in over the last 6 months.

B: Naraii actually had a SERIOUS bug (contrary to what you believe) that was causing crashes and client lock ups, this issue was serious enough that they couldn't just simply "patch it" and it took time to fix it.

C: The economy changes for operations had NOTHING to do with pulling Naraii out. These are two unrelated items and were announced and explained months ago.

D: Those of us on the community team care A LOT more than you think we do about the community in this game and TBH do A LOT behind closed doors that you do not see. In all my years being in communities (not in the game industry) I have NEVER seen community managers actually interact, communicate and directly influence things based around game development as in World of Warships (and I mean GLOBALLY, not just NA) And I would challenge you to find ANY game ON OUR SCALE that has community members that does so. We also have an amazing group of community volunteers like @iDuckman that run, build and update our WikI!

That being said, the things you are discussing were off topic, I would ask that you please stay on topic!

As state Naraii will be back next week with the patch!


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