The Georgia is a ship that fits in the more "jack of all trades" role than a pure BB role. Yes, the secondaries are appealing and a strength but to rely on them solely and to base your ship build on it is the wrong way to go about it IMO. I would suggest more of a hybrid build when you are building the Georgia because the guns are still good and you want to take advantage of that. The speed of the Georgia is something that can get even the most experienced players in trouble because you can flex around the map so much but you can also leave your support behind. The Georgia is a good ship but you have to take the time to learn how to use her properly.
Let us go over some of the characteristics of the Georgia:
Positives -
Large caliber guns albeit low number of barrels. These guns are very accurate as the trade off to a lower number of barrels.
Speed and more speed! With speed flag and boost you can get around 40 knots if I am not mistaken?
Secondaries that can do a good job of supplementing your main gun damage.
Negatives -
Speed (I know I listed it as a positive as well) because it can get you to over-extend and you not even realize it sometimes.
Armor overall is not that good and can lead you to get punished by opponents.
Torpedo protection is not that great just like LWM pointed out.
If you do end up getting the Georgia enjoy her and try different things until you find the way you want to play her =).